Another Day Kayaking with ORFS: Goose Pond

Tuesday, July 18: Outdoor Recreation for Seniors gathered at the public launch at Goose Pond, with overcast skies, lots of smoke haze (although none of us were bothered by it), and thunderstorms predicted for the afternoon. There were about 17 of us, plus two walkers and a late arrival who was only able to come to be sociable as we were eating lunch. Goose Pond, in New Hampshire, is a moderately sized lake, mostly built up around the edges. Traditionally we start out going up to and up the inlet, then turning and going south on the lake to a good sized island, around that, then back to load up boats and head to the home of our hosts overlooking the lake for an ice cream party (after we eat lunch, of course!)

Pirate Squirrel joined us for the first time this season

The above beetle was on the lake host’s shirt.

But this is the real reason I try to never miss this paddle – home made ice cream!!

We enjoy visiting, eating together, visiting, and eventually people have to be on their way. Sighted on my way out:

Would you entrust your children to this child care center???

It did briefly shower while we ate ice cream, inside and on the enclosed porch, and it is raining again now – I’m glad it held off while we were on the water!

3 thoughts on “Another Day Kayaking with ORFS: Goose Pond

  1. Beth,  It sounds like a fun day, much improved by the home made ice cream!   Anne


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