ORFS Kayak McDaniel’s Marsh

Tuesday, June 18: Outdoor Recreation for Seniors met at this area for today’s paddle. It was a beautiful day – but HOT!! As I was driving home, on a shady dirt road, my car registered 96 degrees F. (35.5 C). I tried to stay wet – this isn’t a great spot for swimming (too marshy!), but I kept a wet towel over my legs, and a long sleeve white shirt that I kept damp. And drinking water, and drinking more water!

Three of the many beaver lodges we paddle by

Those mounds of dirt and plant matter are home to muskrats.

There were so many water lilies – white ones covering the water, in places, and yellow ones.

The view returning, after 3.7 miles

I returned home just as it started to rain. By the time I got to the door, I was soaked – so I stripped down to my bathing suit and stood under the drip edge from the roof, rinsing off the salt and dirt from the day. It felt great! So now I’m cool and comfortable, in a house cool enough so there’s condensation on the outside of the windows. Given that the next few days are forecast to be even more hot, I don’t know how long I can keep it this way, but I’m going to try!

6 thoughts on “ORFS Kayak McDaniel’s Marsh

    1. It’s broken now, and I was able to keep the house cool (65 – 70 F, about 20C)until it got up to 75 for a day; last night I was able to drop the temp back below 70 by opening windows. Humid? Yes. The air is very wet!

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