A Busy Tuesday

It was a beautiful day – and I loaded the car for a few days of adventuring. Outdoor Recreation for Seniors was at Otter Pond, in central New Hampshire. Most people kayaked, one sailed, several hiked.

Returning to the beach where we’d launched, I was impressed that we’d filled up all the available parking. And we had some feathered friends join us, enjoying the perfect weather; two are live, but the center one on the perch is Plastic Polly!

Then, after eating and visiting, I headed out for my sister’s house in northern Vermont. Her orchestra had a concert at the auditorium at City Hall in Burlington.

See those threatening skies above city hall? They delivered a severe downpour – after my sister and I were in the building, and while brother-in-law was walking back from parking the car! The umbrella was not enough protection from strong winds and driving rain, and he came in quite wet. Fortunately, it was warm in the auditorium.

2 thoughts on “A Busy Tuesday

  1. The selections played by the Me2 Orchestra sound wonderful and include some of my favorites. You must be proud of your sister playing her cello.

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