Coming and Going

This weekend was the memorial for one of my fellow former teachers. There were two columbines freshly planted in the flower bed of the Weathersfield Center Church, where the community gathered to remember her life; among other things she was noted for her love of gardening. She taught in our school, was a poll worker at elections, was active in the Historical Society, serving as president for a number of years, participated in Green-up Day, and that only scratches the surface! She lived long enough to welcome a great-grandchild into her life with joy, so there were four generations at the service.

Then today, at the same venue, we had a baby shower for a young couple in town – with a lot of the same people attending, although not nearly as many. One of the activities was potato printing or painting onesies for the impending infant – this child will start their life well dressed!

So while it is with sadness that I recognize the departure of someone so important in our community, it is with joy I await the arrival of another of the next generation.

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